Garda Vetting Instructions
FAI Online Garda Vetting Demo Video -
- Go to and click “BOOK A COURSE NOW”
- Click SIGN UP – I need a MyComet Account (if you already have an account, click LOGIN)
- Complete the Sign-Up Form
- When you receive your login details, log into the website -
- In the Welcome screen type “Online Garda” and the Vetting Application will appear below
- Click Start
- On the next screen, click the option “NOT ATTENDING” and change this to “APPLY”
- In the window that appears, complete the form:
- Photo Identification - Passport/Drivers License/Gov ID Card
- Garda Vetting ID Validation Form – download here
- Consent & Disclosure: I AGREE
- Role being Vetted for: COACH
- Name of Organisation: ST FRANCIS FC
- Proof of Address - must be dated within last 6 months.
- Click APPLY and follow the on screen instructions to finish
Provided all the application details were entered correctly, the FAI will upload your details will be entered into the National Vetting Bureau e-vetting system. This may take up to 3 weeks.
You will then receive an e-mail from the National Vetting Bureau inviting you to complete the next stage of the process (this link expires after 30 days).
After clicking the link and following the instructions, you will receive a tracking number which you can use to track the status of your Garda vetting application online.
If there are any issues with your application details or documents, you will be notified of by e-mail and you can start the process again.
When all checks are completed, a Garda vetting disclosure will be returned to the FAI.
Please forward this disclosure letter to